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Unknown Path - Shantanusk (Shantanusk's Blog's ™)

This article will definitely take you a couple of moments out of this hectic life.When we live our lives, we unknowingly start walking on a path where we don't even want to go. This is what is described in very deep words.


Many people come and go in life, no one can stay with you forever, but you are with you till the very last breath, then you have lost your existence,

who are you looking for ?

I don't know, I like to be liked by others, to behave well, to dress well, to look good, differently. But have you ever done anything to make your heart rejoice?

The answer for most people is no! What to do for yourself now?

It is because of this question that the direction of life has gone wrong.

No one seems to want to know what is the joy of life. everyone has embarked on a journey whose address no one knows, and in which the condition is that, asking for an address will be removed from the journey.
And only the travelers taken out of this journey have succeeded in finding the address of 'Jeevan Yatra' (Life journey),

So if you want to find the address of 'Jeevan Yatra'(Life journey), you have to get out of this crowd of passengers first..
For those who don't know, 
 to go?

Their contact has to be avoided, because when logic is formed, paths also begin to appear.

Artical written by - 
Shantanu Khandare
(Social Blogger, writer)

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